We meet five musicians from rural areas around the nation to learn about their lives and musical studies set in rolling farmland, local butcher shops, woodlands, and bayous in the heart of America, presented by From The Top.
Series Director: Kelly L. King
Distribution Co: NPR & Youtube

Laid up on her couch while recovering from a back injury, Beth takes the sage advice of her roommate, Cordell, and tries smoking weed for the pain. The unexpected result? She discovers that when she's stoned, she can communicate with furniture.
Series Director: Kelly L. King
Distribution Co: Fullscreen & VRV
Sailors go head-to-head with top YouTube creators in epic match-ups of speed, skill and smarts. Diving underneath an aircraft carrier, flying in F18s, playing Battleship on a submarine and even war-driving into the chief's WiFi.
Series Director: Kelly L. King
Distribution Co: US Navy & YouTube
MatPat’s Game Lab has over 100 million views! It’s a series in which MatPat explores the real-life science behind popular video games by throwing gamers into the high-stakes scenarios they play through every day. Game Lab features celebrity YouTubers like Captain Sparklez and Jake Roper of VSauce3 taking on real-life trials from titles such as Mirror’s Edge Catalyst, Metal Gear Solid, and Five Nights at Candy’s. Each episode also features a 360-degree experience.
Show Runner & Series Director: Kelly L. King
Distribution Co: YouTube Red